How to break the Expense Reporting voodoo

At many business enterprises, Travel expense reporting system is a religion unto itself, especially if they boast of a fairly well-staffed sales and marketing organization. There are strict do’s and don’ts and one is expected to use a myriad formats and processes to reach Nirvana. As with religion, there are rewards only for the faithful and the system is fiercely guarded by enthusiastic zealots (the establishment, if you will). It doesn’t matter if you have just signed a jumbo sales deal, you’d better use “that” Form, index your receipts and clip them correctly, if you don’t want to lose money or some hair on your pate, or both.

Yes, Expense reports are a great leveler.

It doesn’t matter if you occupy the corner suite or you’re the one whom people nod at, when slipping by to the rest room. You just follow the system and hope it works quick enough for your liking. In hard core sales organizations like the one yours truly started his career at, a full working day was assigned to only prepare and submit expense reports (thankfully it used to be Saturdays, when we worked only until lunch). A sales person was always expected to be on the field, Monday through Friday and would be at the office every Saturday to only file visit reports & expense statements. Yeah, Expense reporting was a big deal then and probably is, even today, even though manual Forms and templates have given way to Excel spreadsheets, email and may be, ERP based online processes.

For a typical sales executive or business traveler, it is most often a frustrating experience.

They need to carefully preserve the receipts & invoices for expenses that are accumulated daily. This is quite a distraction especially when they are grappling with client meetings and making good their visit schedules. Many a time, receipts do get mutilated or worse, misplaced and remain untraced, leading to issues with expense reports. These good Samaritans often forego claim for such expenses and end up struggling to chin up while suffering some heartburn. A pity, as they can’t even lay claim to having contributed to the bottom line of the organization!

Moreover, even in a supposedly online system, you get the impression that filing your Income Tax returns pales pathetically when compared to the challenges of entering expense data. There is a maze of expense heads and attendant rules or eligibility criteria that one has to carefully maneuver through, to be able to make an expense report worth his claim. It sure tests your memory and ability to think clearly, when all you wanted was to get it out of the way, post-haste.

Workflows in Traditional Expense reporting are so slow that it would put the pace of a snail in the shade.

First-off, executives would have to be connected online in order to access legacy computer systems and report expenses online. This greatly reduces the window available to submit expense reports while on a trip and slows down the periodicity of reporting. The need to scan Invoices and receipts again makes it imperative that access to systems and office resources are available readily, which is typically not the case. The same hurdles present themselves for the Expense report approver too and hence the process gets doubly delayed owing to queuing. In spite of having assiduously courted ERP and other online systems, many organizations continue to lean on an offline process when it comes to accepting receipts/invoices to record expenses in their legacy systems. This likely has more to do with their adopted work culture, but nevertheless, does put the brakes on reimbursements for business expenses. Sales executives thus, legitimately wonder why business systems are two-faced. On the one hand, most business workflows are automated and online (eg., order fulfilment and sales reporting), while the enablers to such key processes (travel expense reimbursements) are mired in archaic procedures and appear so dis-connected from the organizations’ progressive aspirations. Keeping the wheel of expense reimbursement turning smoothly is so key to sales executives’ performance because it impacts their ability to meet the sales plan. In the past, I have come across many instances when a sales person’s forthcoming travel plans are in jeopardy because their Expense reports of previous business trips are still hanging without a dispensation. The circuit breaker in the system automatically prevents new travel requests from being approved, effectively grounding the sales person. If this does not pique a sales executive, then what will! It is not surprising then that some of the more common disagreements between a sales person and his supervisor or manager, tend to be connected with Travel reports & Expense reports.

The pain caused by traditional Expense reporting systems could be summarized as follows:

  • Data entry process is lengthy and non-user friendly, leading to errors and time squeeze

  • Risk of losing or mutilating expense receipts & invoices

  • Lack of real time visibility of approval status and hence delayed actions

  • Long lag in booking expenses puts constraints on Finance section in managing cash & reporting

  • Too many steps involved that lengthen the process – scan, email, photocopy, courier

  • Affects morale as all stakeholders are forced to run with a non-optimized process

With neither travelers nor Finance section finding much solace in such systems, it is only natural that companies address their concerns in more imaginative ways. It really calls for company managements to consumerize business IT solutions rather than just duplicate existing processes with an online version.

Mobile apps provide a very smart option to positively transform Expense reporting in businesses.

As smartphone usage and network infrastructure continue to improve by leaps and bounds, more and more companies are leveraging this ecosystem to bring about sweeping benefits to business processes. Expense reporting by its very nature needs to support executives on the move and what better way to facilitate that, than with a mobile app. User-friendly UI screens with intuitive navigation, offer the perfect setting for a field executive to whip out his phone and tap a few keys to enter his lunch expense, just as the restaurant waiter presents the check to him at the table! He could even trash the receipt or simply ignore it as it’s picture was clicked by his phone’s camera and a single tap had ensured that it was well on its way, as attachment, with the expense report. The Approver who is also traveling, is notified on his phone immediately and doesn’t waste any time to take appropriate action. All along, both the traveler and Finance section representative, can keep a tab on the status of the Expense report. This truly is a welcome tool for Finance to be able to plan and manage cash and greatly aids timely submission of financial reports.

An Expense reporting mobile app surely makes life easy for all stakeholders:

  • It allows instant submission of reports and frees up their time for more productive work

  • Reduces back and forth communication and attendant issues

  • Ensures transparency in the process and improves morale of employees

  • Shortens processing time and cuts down documentation needs

  • Timely reporting, Faster reimbursements, Nimble MIS…win-win for all

If this sounds interesting, you may want to check out ezxpense, an Expense Reporting app from KNS Technologies. KNS technologies is a fast growing IT consulting company that specializes, in Business process automation, CRM, Marketing automation, Data integration & Analytics. You may reach us at and our consultant will be very happy to help you.

Why marketing automation

I’ve held the view that the manufacturing industry has always been at the vanguard of change and has been passionate about adopting newer technology and systems. Well almost. I cannot say the same thing when it comes to embracing IT & learning to leverage the digital ecosystem. I should know a thing or two about this, because that’s where I got my feet wet and sort of earned my spurs. Investing millions on a new, state of art machine or quality testing tool would be par for the course, but talk about CRM or any digital marketing tool, then you might as well be a spoiled brat or better still, the devil himself. Managements seldom realized or sensed the value of soft resources like IT, especially of their strategic impact. But the times are a-changing.

It’s quite interesting to learn that in the B2B world today, a buyer of products or services typically completes roughly 70% of his buying journey through online search and other digital channels, before establishing any contact with a vendor’s sales person. In the past few months, I was also pleasantly surprised to have been approached by quite a few entrepreneurs wanting help to build B2B online marketplace for industrial products. As played out, this scenario presents both a tremendous opportunity for B2B companies and poses challenges, as well.


  • You can let the buyer find you when he is really interested, rather than you spraying the whole countryside with your marketing ammunition and not finding any targets

  • Helps you learn more about a buyer’s need & to effectively tailor the buying experience

  • Get to deepen your engagement with prospects through multiple channels and retain control too

  • Transparency & efficiency culminate in a business relationship, borne out of trust and value…that’s the way we want it, right?

The challenge for B2B businesses is in determining how to make the transition from a system of manual, people-heavy & disparate processes to an efficient and seamless process with a tool like marketing automation.

Marketing automation helps:

  • Track and identify the needs of a prospective buyer

  • Establish a pattern of prospect behavior and do segmentation

  • Provide targeted nurturing, leading to lead qualification

  • Measure results of marketing campaigns, refine and optimize marketing investments

  • With well primed & better profiled leads, sales greatly improve the chances for conversion

  • Take the routine out of marketing tasks and utilize resources better, leading to shorter sales cycles

Let me explain some aspects of marketing automation by taking an example. John is the owner of a company manufacturing industrial products and to promote its products, has taken a booth at a trade show. Being a smart marketer, he has set up a very impressive booth that offers visitors every bit of information they would normally look for and even has product samples and working models set up for demos. Obviously, John does his homework well and his pre-event marketing was so effective that it has ensured good traffic to his booth.

So, we have prospect A who steps in and goes over to the display board that has the profile of John’s company and then goes over to a few of the other display boards before settling down in front of one about a particular product. John’s sales person who has been watching him unobtrusively, steps forward to offer help. The prospect wants to know more about the product. After the sales person gives all the information, prospect A thanks him and walks away. In walks prospect B, goes straight to the sales person and pretty much enquires about all the products. When the sales person asks him for his specific interest, the prospect mentions that he has none and that he was plain curious and just checking.

After about an hour or so, we have prospect A walk into John’s booth again and reach out to the displayed product, the one he had shown interest earlier. The sales person who is wiser from the experience, holds it up for A to examine and then quickly offers to show a demo of the product. The prospect seems impressed with the demo and expresses his desire to have a more detailed discussions. The sales person requests for his business card, which A readily parts with and then he also firms up a suitable schedule for the meeting. As A leaves the booth, the sales person has a triumphant smile on his lips knowing that he’s got the first lead of the day.

It would be interesting to draw a parallel between the experience in a tradeshow, as described above and that of a visit to a company’s website. Both are marketing assets and you have to be sweating them. The only crucial difference is that in a tradeshow, you have a physical interface with a visitor, whereas in the case of a website, the contact is virtual. This is key to understand what makes marketing automation so very invaluable to B2B companies.

Let me elaborate a little on the analogy:

  • The pre-event marketing that John had done is akin to activities like SEO, search advertising, affiliate marketing, etc., that are used in the digital world to drive traffic to a website.

  • The visit behavior and the interest shown towards specific products/topics by prospects A & B are observed keenly by the booth sales person. In a website, these are tracked through diagnostics present in marketing automation tools that record page visits, page views, time spent and whole lot of other metrics.

  • While the sales person let go of prospect A the first time around without getting his contact information, the content in landing pages generated by a marketing automation tool would ensure that appropriate calls-to-action would get the website visitor committed to part with this information.

  • When prospect A returned to the booth a second time, the sales person easily recognized his interest and straightaway offered more insights of the product, by way of a demo. This was a good hook to offer the prospect. Similarly, in marketing automation, based on the history of a visitor’s activity at a website, different and more contextual content would be offered to guide the visitor or prospect to gradually move up the prospecting process and make him buy-ready.

  • It is fair to assume that if prospect B were to revisit the booth, he might not get the same un-wavered attention that prospect A would have commanded. Marketing automation ensures this by automated lead scoring which allows prospects to be rated on pre-defined rules of behavior and allows segmented engagement, leading to higher lead conversion rate.

While we have dived into only a few of the functions of a marketing automation tool, it is apparent that for B2B marketers, this presents a unique opportunity to direct their efforts with minimal resources, but more focused targeting, thereby leading to larger and quicker gains from their marketing investment.

To learn more about Pardot marketing automation and how it can help grow your business, visit and ask for free consultation.

How Smart is Marketing Automation

Marketing has evolved and how!  CRM, Inbound marketing, Digital marketing, Marketing Automation and the list grows.

Old wine in a new bottle?

Well, the core of marketing has always remained the same. I believe it was Eli Goldratt, the management guru, who had said that marketing is about getting the pigeons to fly in and perch themselves close by, so that sales could shoot them. So, Marketing will always be about getting the customers to know, like and trust you. The icing on the cake, is of course, when your customers turn ambassadors for your products and services.

Marketing automation is about IT tools or software that helps streamline and automate the key  marketing activities to hand you a well-oiled and whirring marketing engine.

The marketing automation suite primarily includes:

  • Email campaigns
  • Lead scoring and nurturing
  • Relationship marketing
  • ROI measurement for marketing actions
  • Digital advertising management

While many of these activities are already being carried out by many companies in a traditional way (manual and with spreadsheets, maybe), marketing automation ensures that the process is data based, easy to manage and offers key insights. For example, marketing automation software allows you to gather data from your website analytics to help in segmenting your prospects.  This input allows one to build different campaigns that are customized for each target list and automated mass emails could be launched as per pre-determined schedules. Helps create customized and targeted landing pages (as against home page; to improve chances of conversion), Based on prospects’ clicking behaviour, leads could be scored and accordingly integrated into the CRM for opportunity management. When I post a job on my company Facebook page, I am flooded with proposals from various HR recruitment firms. The marketing automation software in these companies have integrated their lead management with social media and it allows them to pitch their services right away.

Marketing Automation for the Smart marketer

There is no doubt that Marketing Automation could help companies reduce their customer acquisition and retention costs, just by providing a flexible framework to build quality into their marketing programs and help measure their effectiveness on a continuous basis. Today, the roles of CIO and CMO appear integrated as never before and the C-suite has a new tenant, the Chief Digital Officer (CDO). Marketing automation could well be the lever to gain the most bang for the marketing buck and clearly erase the myth that marketing is a cost center. Now, that would be smart, wouldn’t it?



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