“All Together”, such a meaningful combination of two words, isn’t it? What if we need to give this combination only one word? What would it be? Have you ever thought of such a fusion? If not, then indulge yourself further in this article and see what that one word could be, how powerful this fusion can be and most importantly how can it be beneficial for you in making your own website.
In the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), there is an award winning CMS and open source platform available to be used by you to build your website with minimum efforts but maximum results: Joomla!, meaning “all together”. It is an extensible system and 100% freely available. Yes, it is true that in this era of money matters, Joomla is completely free to use. You can start building your free website here: Launch your first website. Go ahead and explore your own Joomla website. If you wish to keep things locally at first then also, you simply click on this link download and get the latest version.
By the term “extensible”, I mean your website can be extended by a variety of extensions or applications according to your purpose or requirements. Joomla has its own extensions directory: Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) . There are 5 types of extensions available in Joomla: components, modules, templates, plugins and languages. All of them proves to be a great enhancement for your website.
The best thing about Joomla is its Community, the Joomla Community. Every software on earth is existed due to the active participation of developers and volunteers. I have made my contribution by being a part of Joomla Community since a long time and also involved as an enthusiastic volunteer and developer to participate in the development of this wonderful up growing open platform. Joomla! Community is open for all and welcomes every being with its open arms happily. Come be a part of Joomla Community and add a badge of “Joomler” to your name: Become a Volunteer .
There is always a first time in our life, but we must go ahead despite of all fears we have for our website and build an impeccable website in Joomla. We human beings have a tendency of never being satisfied and therefore we keeping looking for a change and trust me for you and your website Joomla can be a positive and interesting change. Build a remarkable website in Joomla and see how it engulfs you in its powerful system.