Beginning Joomla!

“All Together”, such a meaningful combination of two words, isn’t it? What if we need to give this combination only one word? What would it be? Have you ever thought of such a fusion? If not, then indulge yourself further in this article and see what that one word could be, how powerful this fusion can be and most importantly how can it be beneficial for you in making your own website.

In the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), there is an award winning CMS and open source platform available to be used by you to build your website with minimum efforts but maximum results: Joomla!, meaning “all together”. It is an extensible system and 100% freely available. Yes, it is true that in this era of money matters, Joomla is completely free to use. You can start building your free website here: Launch your first website. Go ahead and explore your own Joomla website. If you wish to keep things locally at first then also, you simply click on this link download and get the latest version.

By the term “extensible”, I mean your website can be extended by a variety of extensions or applications according to your purpose or requirements. Joomla has its own extensions directory: Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) . There are 5 types of extensions available in Joomla: components, modules, templates, plugins and languages. All of them proves to be a great enhancement for your website.


The best thing about Joomla is its Community, the Joomla Community.  Every software on earth is existed due to the active participation of developers and volunteers. I have made my contribution by being a part of Joomla Community since a long time and also involved as an enthusiastic volunteer and developer to participate in the development of this wonderful up growing open platform. Joomla! Community is open for all and welcomes every being with its open arms happily. Come be a part of Joomla Community and add a badge of “Joomler” to your name:  Become a Volunteer .

There is always a first time in our life, but we must go ahead despite of all fears we have for our website and build an impeccable website in Joomla. We human beings have a tendency of never being satisfied and therefore we keeping looking for a change and trust me for you and your website Joomla can be a positive and interesting change. Build a remarkable website in Joomla and see how it engulfs you in its powerful system.

How to integrate your PHP site with USA ePay payment gateway?

Contributors: Vidya Poulose and Shivendra Singh

USA ePay  has been helping merchants process their credit card and check transactions with speed and security since 1998. Currently the USA ePay gateway supports all of the major platforms in the credit card industry and works with some of the leading check platforms. We had an opportunity to integrate it with several web sites ownded by one of customers. We would like to share our experience. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us.


-PHP 4.3.x or higher (

-HTTPs streams support in PHP


-Curl/ssl module installed (


Step:1->Download  The USAePay PHP Library from

The USAePay PHP library is a class for running transactions on the USAePay gateway.

Step:2-> Download Certificate Authority (CA) bundle file from .

This is a file (Certificate Authority (CA) ) that validates all the popular “root” certificate authorities, and this in turn is used to verify that you are in fact correctly communicating with the New Relic servers, and that there is little to no chance of there being a “man in the middle” attack on your data.

Steps3-> Run “verify_install.php”

A “verify_install.php” script has been included in library that will help you check that your server is properly configured to use the php library. To use this script you must first edit it, filling in the correct path to usaepay.php. If you upload both usaepay.php and verify_install.php to the same directory, you can usually set the include to: include ”./usaepay.php”;

Note: If the SSL certificate path test failed, it’s possible that curl is not correctly configured to use this bundle. You can correct the problem by adding the following code to your script:

 $tran->cabundle='<?php echo $certpath?>’; (Path of Certificate Authority (CA) file)

Steps 4-> If  the file: “verify_install.php” runs with no errors and shows an “OK” in each category, Now we can start with following input arguments.


include “./usaepay.php”;    (First Add usaepay class. Path of usaepay class should be correct)

$tran=new umTransaction;           (Instantiate USAePay client object)

$tran->key=”Your_source_key_here“;   (Source key must be generated within the console)

$tran->ip=$REMOTE_ADDR; (This allows fraud blocking on the customer’s IP address)

$tran->testmode=1;         (Change this to 0 for the transaction to process)

$tran->card=”1234567890987654″;   (card number, no dashes, no spaces)

$tran->exp=”1234″;                            (expiration date 4 digits no)

$tran->amount=”23.00″;                     (charge amount in dollars)

$tran->invoice=”1234″;                       (invoice number.  Must be unique)

$tran->cardholder=”name”;   (name of card holder)

$tran->street=”address”;        (street address)

$tran->zip=”560068″;                          (zip code)

$tran->description=”description”;      (description of charge)

$tran->cvv2=”123″;                             (cvv2 code (Security Code))   

echo “<h1>Please wait one moment while we process your card…<br>\n”;




            echo “<b>Card Approved</b><br>”;

            echo “<b>Authcode:</b> ” . $tran->authcode . “<br>”;

            echo “<b>AVS Result:</b> ” . $tran->avs . “<br>”;

            echo “<b>Cvv2 Result:</b> ” . $tran->cvv2 . “<br>”;

} else {

            echo “<b>Card Declined</b> (” . $tran->result . “)<br>”;

            echo “<b>Reason:</b> ” . $tran->error . “<br>”;      

            if(@$tran->curlerror) echo “<b>Curl Error:</b> ” . $tran->curlerror . “<br>”;        }



If Specified source key available, Card Number, Expiry date and cvv2 (Security Code) are valid then (after process of the card) we will get message for Card Approveal. Otherwise we will get message for Card Decline.

How generate Sources key?

We can generate key at When you  logon to your USAePay Merchant Console (

Steps for generating Source Key.

Setting->Sources Keys->Add Sources->Fill-up Source Info->Apply

After clicking “apply” button, source key will be generated. Now we can use this source key for transaction.

For More information please read

Recent Developments @ KNS

AWS Partner: KNS became the partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is the leader in cloud computing and in order to help its clients KNS became the partner of AWS. Here are some of the cloud solutions KNS has expertise in:

Talend Partner: Talend is the leading open source platform for Data Integration. KNS has become the partner of Talend to build solutions in following areas:

Jaspersoft Partner: Jaspersoft is one of the leading open source Business Intelligence platforms. 

SugarCRM Partner: SugarCRM is world’s fastest growing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software company. It has the modules for Sales, Marketing and Service management. It has a freely available community edition too.

SWAM Certification: KNS Technologies obtained SWAM certification from Commonwealth of Virginia. This will help KNS in competing better for state and local government project in Commonwealth of Virginia.




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